Hoy, 200 años después…Repensemos el futuro
El 15 de septiembre de 2021 Guatemala conmemorará 200 años de independencia. En lugar de celebrar esta fecha, nos reunimos para reflexionar sobre la historia antigua y entrelazada de Guatemala.
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El 15 de septiembre de 2021 Guatemala conmemorará 200 años de independencia. En lugar de celebrar esta fecha, nos reunimos para reflexionar sobre la historia antigua y entrelazada de Guatemala.
Inequality is present in several areas and affects the development of society. Many today work for the development of our country—Guatemala—especially in rural indigenous communities where this problem occurs more
When I was seven years old, I began to work selling bracelets on the street with my older brother. Maybe we sold to you or someone you know in Panajachel?
Tax Identification Number (EIN) 68-0652444
Asociación MAIA
Tax Identification Number (NIT) 6896913-9.
Guatemala Office:
Km. 137, Caserío Xolbé,
Cantón El Tablón, Sololá, Guatemala
US Office:
1031 33rd Street, Denver, CO 80205
Every year at the MAIA Impact School, we welcome a new generation of Girl Pioneers. It is a transformative journey that changes the trajectory of the future of their lives, families, and the broader community.
With your investment, these remarkable young women will break cycles of poverty and build a brighter future.