Investing in women to accelerate progress and equality
Join us on this International Women’s Day in celebration not just of womanhood, but also of the transformative power that investing in women holds.
We invite you to read our latest blogs, amplify them, and be a be part of the change!
Join us on this International Women’s Day in celebration not just of womanhood, but also of the transformative power that investing in women holds.
Tax Identification Number (EIN) 68-0652444
Asociación MAIA
Tax Identification Number (NIT) 6896913-9.
Guatemala Office:
Km. 137, Caserío Xolbé,
Cantón El Tablón, Sololá, Guatemala
US Office:
1031 33rd Street, Denver, CO 80205
Every year at the MAIA Impact School, we welcome a new generation of Girl Pioneers. It is a transformative journey that changes the trajectory of the future of their lives, families, and the broader community.
With your investment, these remarkable young women will break cycles of poverty and build a brighter future.