Ruby, a Girl Pioneer who is changing her path

The MAIA and Girl Pioneers’ story

“How to use a computer is my favorite thing I have learned since I joined the MAIA Impact School,” says Ruby, a 14-year-old Indigenous girl. She is the oldest of 4 siblings and one of the 16 members of her family (including her grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, and siblings) who live in the same house in a rural community in Sololá.

After the selection process, in 2022, Ruby is a Girl Pioneer part of Proyecto Impulso, MAIA’s year-long preparatory program. She has been learning how to speak English and use a computer, specifically how to write and use the keyboard. She practices both skills at home with her youngest brothers and her mother.

Before MAIA, she used to study in the public school system of Guatemala, and for her, “it was very hard to understand most classes.” Her main tasks were focused on doing house chores: cooking, cleaning, and taking care of her younger brothers and baby sister. Today, her main task is to do her homework and practice her English with her family.

“For me, it’s very important to have the support from my family and especially from my mother. She was the one who encouraged me to study and apply to MAIA.”

“I’m happy here at MAIA, and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything.”

Empowered Women, an Infinite Impact!

The power of giving opportunities to girls

Lucero and Wendy, Girl Pioneers of the MAIA Impact School, participated as guest speakers at the 2023 Central America Leadership Initiative (CALI) Regional event.

They are demonstrating that increasing women’s leadership

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Every year at the MAIA Impact School, we welcome a new generation of Girl Pioneers. It is a transformative journey that changes the trajectory of the future of their lives, families, and the broader community.  

With your investment, these remarkable young women will break cycles of poverty and build a brighter future.